NMSU VG 24-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 16
There are many on-campus departments and services available to the public. From museums
and eateries to a golf course and observatory, visitors can explore our many options.
Astronomy Open Houses
In addition to the teaching and research being conducted by the
Department of Astronomy, the department holds some public open
houses, in person at the Tombaugh Observatory on campus, and
virtually from the Tortugas Mt. Observatory.
astro.nmsu.edu/events/open-house.html or 575-646-4438
Arthropod Collection
Te largest collection of arthropods in the state, the NMSU
Arthropod Collection includes more than half a million specimens
used for research, teaching and outreach. Te specimens housed in
this collection are the work of more than 100 years of collection and
identifcation and represent thousands of hours of work by world
authorities on many arthropod groups. Te collection is an invaluable
resource to departments across campus and the state as a reference
for quick identifcation of arthropods, including those that impact
human, animal, or plant health, invasive species, as reference material
for identifcation of various unknown arthropods to constituents
within the state and beyond, and as a protected repository for voucher
specimens of new species and from scientifc studies. Visits are by
appointment only and outreach requests can be made from the RSVP
form on the website.
arthropods.nmsu.edu or 575-646-5552
NMSU Autism Diagnostic Center
Te ADC’s mission is to provide autism evaluations in Southern
New Mexico at no cost to families. We are dedicated to ofering
community support and outreach through evidence-based parent
training, support groups for individuals with autism and their
families and opportunities to participate in research studies. Our
center uses a team approach that includes psychologists, speechlanguage pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, and
pediatricians. Te ADC is a teaching institution that provides
supervised training to graduate assistants from the Communications
Disorders department and the Counseling and Educational
Psychology department.
The Chile Pepper Institute
Established in 1992, Te Chile Pepper Institute is the world’s only
nonproft institute dedicated to the research and education of all
things Capsicum, or chile peppers. Explore our Teaching Garden
and chile-centric gift shop!
Visit cpi.nmsu.edu or call 575-646-3028
Visitor’s Guide | New Mexico State University